Camp is such an important experience for your child(ren).  It is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends, have fun, and most importantly learn about JESUS!

Please consider joining us this summer!  Scholarships are available!

Winter Wipeout

current 7-12th Grade

Camp Wapo 2025

Grades 1st-3rd(completed): June 20-22nd  

Grades 4th-7th(completed): June 15-20th 

Registration Opens on January 15th.  Our reserved spots open to other churches on Feb. 16th. 

Wapogasset is a camping and retreat ministry serving youth, adults, and families throughout the year, with thousands of campers participating every summer in the life-changing experience that is discovering Jesus Christ through Christian community in an outdoor ministry setting. 



 July 13-16 2025

8th thru 11th Grade(completed)

What Makes Summer Festival Camp Incredible?

For a week during the summer, teens have the chance to get away from real life, hang out with people from all across the Midwest, deepen friendships, and talk about God. Every day speakers come to share inspiring and challenging stories about real life, God, and where the two intertwine. The days are packed with fun surprises of all kinds. From the music, the movies, the games, the speakers, and club – all with laughter to tears – Summer Festival Camp really has something for everybody.

Summer Fest Memories

More Summer Fest pictures can be found on the church's facebook page:  St. Paul's In Hanover

Summer Fest 2021

Summer Fest 2019

*What in high school causes the most stress and anxiety? Frustration and anger? Heartbreak and humiliation?  If you could change one thing in your life right now, what would it be?*In what ways do you need to hear Jesus' words, "I see you, I choose you.  You're enough.  Come follow me."
*What burdens would you like to take off your shoulders and lay on the shoulders of Jesus?  What's preventing that?*Are you running away, rebelling, numbing?  Or are your trying to earn it, accomplish it, do it on your own?
*How did the explanation of sin as "missing the mark" change the way your think about sin?  In what ways do you think you're missing the mark?
*Its been said, "we take one step toward God and God takes 10 steps toward us."  Have you taken a step toward God?  What is preventing you from completely trusting Jesus?

Summer Fest 2018

Luke 2:8-11*What was your earliest impression of God?  Has it changed?  How?*What do you have to leave behind to go see about Jesus this week?*When was the last time you felt like you were truly knows?
*How do you think it would change the way people saw you if they new everything about you?*What do you think/how do you feel about knowing that God knows everything about you and is DOESN'T change the way He sees you?*What do you think would change in your life if you truly believed you are known, fully accepted and loved just as you are by God?
*Great joy means we are fully known, accepted and loved by God.  *Which aspect of great joy is easiest for you to believe and accept.  *Which is the hardest?  Why?*What did Jesus accomplish by dying on the cross?*Have you ever experienced a moment like Jesus had on the cross when he cried out for God because he felt alone?  What was that like?
*Who did Jesus die for?  Who is included?  Who is excluded?*How does it change your experience of God knowing that he is personal and pursing every single person....including you?

Summer Fest 2017

CreationIf you really know me you'd know.....Who lives in your house?What in your life might cause you to ask the question of Jesus, "Do you care about....?"InclusionIf Jesus asked you, "Tell me your whole story in 5 words" : What would your 5 words be?What is the one thing in your life you wish you could change if you just pushed through the crowd to touch Jesus?Is your picture of Jesus changing?GraceWhen was the time you felt the most called out and exposed?What things do you look to in hopes they will give you life?  Do they fall short?Are you somebody's favorite person?TruthWhat is a question you would ask Jesus?Do you have someone in your life who you can depend on to be honest with you?What was Landon'w definition of Sin?Jesus and the CrossYou were designed to be in a relationship of peace with God.  Is there anything keeping your from that relationship?How does it make you feel that God loves you right now, just as you are.What characteristics of Jesus make him unique?

Summer Fest 2016

PurposeCreated on Purpose with a Purpose        What is the coolest thing you ever made or created?        Who delights in you? Who?        Would you let Jesus come and stay at your house?  Why or Why not?        If Jesus walked into dorm time, what questions would u ask Him?Jesus Lived His Life on Purpose        How do popular/famous people get treated differently?        What is something about you that might surprise people?        When was a time when God felt too far away or too big for your problems?        What would be different in your school/neighborhood if people treated each other the way Jesus did?Using Things For the Wrong Purpose (Sin)         Who are the voices that you listen to and what do they say?        What are some good things that people call bad or some bad things that people call good?        What consequences have you experienced from your or other people's actions?        What would you fix about the world if you could?  Your life?        How would you define Sin?        What is wrong with the way people treat each other in the world?        Where do you see evidence of the world being messed up? Jesus Dies on Purpose        Who would you be willing to die for?        What did Jesus do about the problem of Sin?        Do you think Jesus' death was more of a tragedy or a great love story?        What difference does it make if Jesus was a volunteer rather than a victim?        How does if feel to know that Jesus died for you as a volunteer?        What did Jesus rescue us from?

Summer Fest 2015

Freedom-Life- Persistence- Searching*The 4 P's:  Personal looks, Performance, Popularity, Possessions*What does it mean to follow Jesus?*What are you looking for?  Where do you get your needs met?*God loves the individual.*How does Jesus "rattle your cage"?*What is stopping you from going to Jesus?  What do you think would happen if You followed Jesus? How would your life change if you really took this seriously?*Jesus is not the rescue from the storm- He is the rock in the midst of the storm.*What are some words and images that describe God in the minds of you and your friends?*Forgiveness:  free from condemnation- free to see everything differently-free to see yourself as loved & valuable- free to not sin again.

Summer Fest 2014 

Summer Fest 2014 Video:*When u c the world around u, what GOOD things do u c that r signs of God?*What words come to mind when u think of Jesus?*Is it possible to think of Jesus as someone's friend?*What makes someone a great teacher?  Have u ever seriously considered the teaching of Jesus?*What makes someone a bad leader?  A good leader?*What r some examples of rebellion?*Can u admit your own rebellion?*How do people deal with sin?*Where does our sin lead?*What does a personal relationship with Jesus look like?

Summer Fest 2013

*If you really knew me, you would know that______.*If Jesus asked you what your story was in 5 words, what would your 5 words be?*Who tells you the truth?  Who holds you accountable?*Are you someone's favorite person?  How do you know?

Summer Fest 2012 

If you could ask God anything, what would you ask him? *Am I going to heaven? *Why are there bugs? *What is heaven like? *When is the rapture going to happen? *Why did Jesus come to earth? *Why do you choose certain people to come in and out of our lives? *How can Jesus be so perfect? *What does Jesus look like? What do you look like? *Why is there sickness and disease in the world? *Why did you send Jesus? *Will my pets be with me in heaven? *What are your plans for me? *How come you allow suffering? *Why do people die? *Does everyone have a purpose? *Will I see my friends and family in heaven? *Why am I a twin? *Why am I on this path? *Why do people have disabilities? *Why is there poverty? *Why is heaven so far away? *Are my grandparents in heaven? *Why are we all so different? Why do we all look so different? *Why do I have to make decisions? *Why are there so many other religions? *How did you think of everything to create? *What is the point of life? *How do you do all that you do? *Why is there a heaven or hell? Why is there good vs. evil? Why can’t we all be good? *Will I join you in the afterlife?