July 28th 2024

Duck Drop Donations

The Mission Commission will be hosting the annual Hanover Harvest Festival Duck Drop.  Proceeds will be going to the Haiti mission and camp scholarships for students who help the day of the festival.  We are in need of some additional gift cards to use as prizes.  Please consider choosing an envelope from the windows leading into the sanctuary.  You put in the money requested,  return it to the church office, and a member of the mission commission will pick up the gift card.  If your family or company would like to donate a prize basket, please email  Thank you for your support!

Please have envelopes/money turned in by Sunday 7-28!



Donations for Preschool

We thank those of you who have said they will donate items. We could still use more 16.9oz Pop bottles/Gatorade. Please have the pop to church by Thursday, August 1. Thank you so much for your donations!!!



Congregational Sympathy

Sympathy to the family of Scott Pederson. His funeral service will be held at St. Paul’s on Tuesday, July 30th at 11am with a visitation one hour prior. Please keep the Pederson family in your prayers.



Food Shelf Volunteers

The food shelf is looking for a volunteer to help pick up food rescue on a substitute basis, mornings between 8:30 and 10 am   This would require a larger vehicle and heavy lifting. Please contact Helen Skutley @ 763-420-2836 if you are interested in either of these opportunities.


Last Week’s Worship Attendance

8:00am: 60

9:15am: 105

10:30am: 28

Online: 34

Total: 227


Last Week’s Offering:

Offering: $ 3,209

Online Giving: $5,468

Building: $20

Total: $8,697


St Paul's Calendar


July 2024

For years, my wife Jess has had a little devotional book sitting on the coffee table. It’s called, “Jesus Calling”. I’ve noticed lately that it moves around a little bit, every day just a few inches away from where it was the day before. I finally asked her if she was reading it and she replied that she loves it and it has been so spot on and really given her good insight on what God is doing in her life. She said, “I’m really taking this season to grow closer to God.”

Perhaps some context about this season of life would be helpful. Jess works really hard. Always has, likely always will. For 25 years she’s been working away and excelling in her work, as a mom, and just as a great human overall. So in mid-may, after her current company was acquired by a private equity firm, they made sweeping changes and her  position leading 50+ people was eliminated. As of June 1, she was unemployed for the first time ever. She’s doing great, by the way, this is a much needed sabbatical, and I’m happy for her to have some time off. I probably should have asked her about telling her story, but this is part of our story and this is the season we are in. It is a new and different place.

I’ve realized that people respond to these things differently. Personally, I’ve retreated a bit from friends and find myself not reaching out because it usually means meeting for lunch or doing something that costs money, and we are in conservation mode. I’ve made it lonelier than it needs to be. I met with someone this morning in my office just finishing up a divorce, and she is nervous to come back to church because she’s a little concerned about how people might respond, when she really just needs a hug and for someone to say, “we’re so glad to see you”. When people walk through medical struggles, they tend to retreat, to hunker down, to avoid people. Maybe they feel they don’t want to “burden” people with their problems.

I’m doing the same thing that I see all the time. When there is a bumpy season of life, people tend to walk that path alone. It isn’t good, and it isn’t the best way forward. First, who are we? We are beloved children of God. God wants to be the first conversation we have when things are heading somewhere we didn’t expect, just like you’d want your kids to call the second they could use some advice or support. Second, we dwell in community. You aren’t the first person to be in your situation, you won’t be the last. Your community and friends are there to support you when you need it, don’t cut them out.

Back to where I started, with a little book called, “Jesus Calling”. Take note that it isn’t  titled, “Jesus says” or “Jesus commands”, but that Jesus is calling to you in a way that  requires responding. These words aren’t just put out there into the world, they are spoken to you and to me. It is a fresh way to experience the one who loves us best no matter what season we are in, and I encourage all of you to grab a copy of the book. It is a year long, daily devotional with scripture references, written from the perspective of Jesus whispering truths in your ear during your quiet time with him. We recently got copies as a church staff to have on our desks for daily devotion and reflections together in staff meetings. Feel free to email me and I can send you the link to a great version we are using.

Seasons come and go, God is for always and forever. Don’t do it alone in this or any time of life. If you hear a voice whispering your name,  chances are Jesus is calling and he’s got some great encouragement for you…


Pastor Luke