Regular worship and Bible Study are a few ways to grow deeper in faith. Consider daily devotions, serving and using your gifts, and praying regularly as practices that connect you to God.

Adult Bible Studies


We hear about it in the news or read about it in magazines, but it often seems worlds away. These stories break our hearts - we pray for them and wonder if there is any way we can help.

A few months ago, I met Stephen and his wife Nusrat when they came to the clothing closet  and had a chance to talk with them and hear their story. Stephen and his family are Christians who lived in Pakistan. Their family has suffered persecution most of their lives because they are Christian. Persecution has ranged from workplace harassment (Stephen was a police officer), threats of violence, churches being burned and the homes of Christians as well. Their government has turned a blind eye.

The persecution intensified, so Stephan and his wife and 3 children left Pakistan in July, came to our country through legal channels, and have applied for asylum. They are currently living with a friend in St. Michael. 

I asked Stephen if he would tell us what they have experienced, so we can learn: Sunday March 10th we will have lunch-and-learn starting at 11:30 after the late service. We will supply River Inn Pizza (free will offering for the pizza) and the opportunity to hear from Stephen and ask questions. Childcare will be available. At the end of his talk, we will take a free will offering to help them with expenses as they look for a more permanent place to live.  Mark your calendars for this important opportunity.


Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.

Every Saturday at 9am

The cost for the book is $20, if you already have a book please select the "Pay Later" option.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

When: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month

Time: 10AM

Where: Library

Leaders: Judy Castor & Gary Johnson

Breath of Fresh Air

This is a group created by Women for Women. Each week we open in prayer, listen to a devotional, and then have wonderful conversation with people around us about the devotion we just heard. There are treats and coffee to enjoy during our time together and then we end in prayer as well.

This group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 1-2pm.

Movie recommendations