Drive in/ Outdoor Chapel WORSHIP- BE READY

How Drive in/ Outdoor Chapel Worship Works

Sundays at 9:30AM during July and August

  1. As you arrive, please reserve the north parking lot for any drive in guests or those folks with limited mobility. If you can walk, please park in the south parking lot. An usher will be available to help guide vehicles for those who wish to remain in their cars. Drive in guests will get bulletins and communion elements delivered to your car. The service is broadcast on 89.5 FM.

  2. If you are arriving on foot to be seated, please find an usher to receive a bulletin and individual communion elements. You may place your offerings and tithes in the baskets near ushers before or after the service.

  3. Please find a seat, keeping appropriate distance between households. Once the bench seating is full, there is ample space on the grass – remember lawn chairs if you aren’t an early arriver!

  4. When communion is offered, the pastor will lead the words of institution and instruct you on when to take and eat and drink the elements.

Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us - Ephesians 3:20